Wednesday, January 2, 2008


What does "PU" mean, anyway? But I yelled it tonight at story time. It was just a reaction, I didn't mean to yell.

I was reading Lilly and her Purple Plastic Purse tonight and a couple pages in there is an odor that literally takes my breath away, like there was no oxygen available. Seriously. So I yelled "PU!" then composed myself and ask "Did one of you do THAT?" And Brady gets a sly grin "heh, heh, it was ME!" "Good Gawd, B, do you need to go sit on the toilet? Do you feel OK?" "heh, heh." Then Nat thinks this is quite amusing, so what does she do? Lifts her leg and lets a left-cheek-sneak go! Her face lights up, she fires off another round. Her head throws back at her delight in torturing me and pleasing her big brother at the same time. I'm grossed out and amazed that a 2 year old can fart on demand, for entertainment value.

I was never that talented.


Kate said...

I think our daughters are going to grow up similarly - having older brothers that teach them bad non-funny habits and bodily functions. Oh well. It'll probably make them stronger.

Cary McNeal said...

HAHAHA! Love it. And so true. My daughter's farts can curl your nose hair!

Funny post. Your chirren are adorable.