Friday, September 26, 2008

No Bunco.

Michelle(profile), Kate (our host), and Shu.

I rolled off for most travels (3 of the number you aren't rolling for) with who else but my house guest, Shu. Of course the newbie wins $$. Dang it.

Loads of fun, we filled the van (7 of us) and headed to Kate's. So we also did our part by removing 6 cars from the road tonight (which also meant most of my passengers got to enjoy their beverage of choice freely.)

Oh, and I found out yet another thing that Kate and I have in common. We are both haunted by the same science film about frogs. I get this horrible goose-bump sensation whenever I think about it. I've had nightmares about it. I saw it in my Senior Advanced Biology class in high school, and it scarred me. So gross, I can't even type what it is. Ok, I will. For you. But trust me it doesn't do it justice. Maybe if you're braver than me you could youtube it or Google it, but I have no interest in EVER seeing it again.
The male frog collects his little frog eggs on his back and covers them with a slime that strongly resembles his own skin. Then when the little eggs hatch, they explode out of his skin, and the skin/slimey membrane crawls as they hatch before the explosion of little tadpoles. Disturbing.


Kate said...

So much fun last night! Thanks for being the bus driver and bringing out the crew.

And we must never speak of those frogs again.